
Monday 1 October 2012


Assalamualaikum mommies ...

My pc showed 12.22pm...arghhh!! there are another 38mins to go for lunch break. I really need to lay down and close my eyes...can't take this pain (migrain) anymore.. This was because I didn't get my sleep like normal nite last nite. A few trip to the toilet (it was not me..but, lil Irissa. Now, whenever her diaper got wet, she will insist me or Bibik to wash her and change the diaper...even if it is 2 am!) And since she is sleeping in our room, so...the person  in-charged will always be me!

And after visit to the toilet and changing the diaper...I wanted to go back to bed when suddenly she screamed unexpectedly which I can translate to : "Take me! take me! I want to go downstairs".... with my half-opened eye, took her and lay her down in front of the telly...when I thought, I finally can go and sleep...she suddenly screamed .. again! what now dear baby? what?!! Pororo? at this wee hour...ok guys, what you will do when your 2 years old baby want to watch her fav cartoon at 3.30 in the morning...

I don't know...I keraskan hati not to on the telly, but pretend i have been shot and "pengsan". buat2 tidur..jangan bergerak2...not a single movement.. Few minutes passed....she suddenly came to me with her pooh pooh ....selamba je, datang, baring terus lelap...and  I slept in front of the telly till morning...

Woke up at 5.45am and went to my room to get ready for Subuh prayer and get the kids ready for school...And cut that long story short, when arrived at the office, I dah mula rasa sakit kepala: migrain! But, that's ok : mama will be ok after a strip of panadol..heheh, Mama will always love you, baby! You are my everything....semoga Allah kurniakan kesabaran kepada Mama dalam mendidik dan membesarkan anak2 comel Mama....(and Papa, will always be there to support Mama, yeah...there :  on that "oooh so soft bed", while Mama struggling with all the mosquitos downstairs! )

so, mommies...everytime your lil ones susah nak tidur.....boleh la cuba cara I ni...hahah, mana tahu boleh membantu di waktu2 kecemasan.

Much Love,

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