
Monday 17 September 2012



Last week, last saturday to be sister meraikan perkahwinan anak sulungnya : Zahril. Everything about the event was really great...everything was beautifully arranged (even, I only got to attend the event belah pengantin perempuan)

Just to share this historical day of my sister : enjoy the pics!

 The bride and groom. Congrats for both of you! semoga jodoh berkekalan, InsyaAllah
The bride's dress from Rizalman Ibrahim . D.I.E!!

the parents of the groom a.k.a my sister

This is me with lil Irissa....what a tired face! I need collagen :)
inner tudung from myself collection and my tunic from La Senza. hahah

Irissa can't get enough of her mama....berkepit je.

the the goodies!

Attending wedding like this made me think : am I still going to be around when my kids wed one day...InsyaAllah. Semoga Allah panjangkan usia mama and papa and semoga anak-anak mama bertemu jodoh dari kalangan mereka yang beriman...Amin.

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