
Monday 22 October 2012


Assalamualaikum Mommies...

Yup...I know I have been missing. I have been busy (I mean very busy) for the last couple of weeks. This was because : I am a very commited worker I need to do everything...hahahah. The real thing was department organised a course for all selected officers from all over Malaysia and I was lucky enough to handle and organised this project. It was huge, man! But...all in friends and I managed to put a big smile on our big bosses faces and it was a success! (of coz after a few arguments and tense conversation with the people from the admin side...hehehhe and a few of hick ups). But, it all worth every sweat : Alhamdulillah.

So, now I am back in the office and back to normal...heheheh (yup, back to N.O.R.M.A.L : i was all eating like a KING there and now i really need to watch out every bite or else I will end up like a humpty dumpty..oh NOOOO!!!)

4 days and 3 nights there felt so long for me and of coz to all mommies (since we need to leave our kids and hubbies behind) but, came to think about it was quite nice to have some time only for ourselves..where we can even sleep upside down, snored like no one will record it (hahaha...) and the bed all ours and don't even need to get up at nite for nursing (yup...babies, I mean...not the daddy...hahahh).

Ok, lets..have some pictures please...

some of the topics

some of that "tall-handsome" speaker, grrr. (SORRY..he's taken!)

some of the "tired - pencatit minit"

some of the fun session

 ever "crazy - secretariat" team (that includes me!)

Boss, we need a break !!!
so, to the Cowboy Town off we went ..

everybody with the cowboy signature pose...hahahah

some of the "good" pose

ever sporting friends...


i don't know...why in so banyak2 pose, posing lentok gini gak yang I pilih...eewwww!

Since, Mr IM got so many works need to be done at the office and can't spare some time picking up his lovely wife .... I decided to joint the rest...balik naik bas!! Good time, indeed!! (I slept all the way ... hahah)

Much Love,

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