
Tuesday 2 October 2012


Assalamualaikum mommies...

Abaikan tajuk yang tak boleh blah di atas tu... hahahha. Pasti ada yang sentap! But, tajuk tu ada betulnya jugak la....heheheh. Sometimes, when I menung lama2 (of coz after tension ngn kerja2 kat opis)...I always "kind of asking" myself, what is actually I really want to be..and the answer will always be : I want to own my clothing line. Yup! that will always be my answer...but, weird thing is that...I don't know how to sew or jahit baju (but, I do remember, back in my old days....helping my mom with the loads of school uniform : of coz that uniforms belongs to me and my other 2 sisters....)

And now, cita2 I tu tiba2 datang balik .. hahaha, boleh tak sekejap tenggelam, sekejap timbul. Ni bukan apa..looking at this fashion industries today (cakap macam fashion designer yg dah senior je ...) my personal view : SO SAD! Being a muslim and a plus size get a really modest (mengikut sunnah) and yet comfy and elegance is giving a problem to me. Kalau pun ada, it will be too expensive or too jarang or too ketat or too colourful...defeat the purpose! I want something so comfy yet stylish (ehem!) and still mengikut sunnah (covered up all the body parts). Mr IM always giving me that fierce question mark...:

Mr IM : "B, when are you going to wear proper muslimah attire..."

me : "I am...I am...sabar..I will be my own designer so that it will fit well"

hahah....So, now I really need to get myself a sewing machine. HELP!!

NOTE : I really adore this one Indonesian designer in the making..and she is a hijabister herself. RANI HATTA : I heart her fashion sense.

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