
Thursday 27 September 2012


Assalamualaikum girls,

Reached the office early today, since I thought I have done so much work yesterday so, I think I really can jot something cool for myself today. I love "google-ing" about fashion and more...and this morning I came across this beautiful creation from 2013 Gucci Collection (drooling!).  I know...the price is way too high for girls like me....hmmm but, I really adore this collection so so so much (of coz with a bit of alteration, if I were to wear it la...hehehh)

So, girls..enjoy this few pieces which I adore so much! Hoping that I can find a tailor to do my baju just like this...

so modest...Mr IM will allow me to wear things like this... I believe...

so P.I.N.K and i looove it!!


this one is so dramatic...but still love the basic look of it...

hoping that one day.... I can make my "since little kids' dream" come true..
Pray hard.. HE always listen!

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