
Monday 22 October 2012


Assalamualaikum Mommies...

Yup...I know I have been missing. I have been busy (I mean very busy) for the last couple of weeks. This was because : I am a very commited worker I need to do everything...hahahah. The real thing was department organised a course for all selected officers from all over Malaysia and I was lucky enough to handle and organised this project. It was huge, man! But...all in friends and I managed to put a big smile on our big bosses faces and it was a success! (of coz after a few arguments and tense conversation with the people from the admin side...hehehhe and a few of hick ups). But, it all worth every sweat : Alhamdulillah.

So, now I am back in the office and back to normal...heheheh (yup, back to N.O.R.M.A.L : i was all eating like a KING there and now i really need to watch out every bite or else I will end up like a humpty dumpty..oh NOOOO!!!)

4 days and 3 nights there felt so long for me and of coz to all mommies (since we need to leave our kids and hubbies behind) but, came to think about it was quite nice to have some time only for ourselves..where we can even sleep upside down, snored like no one will record it (hahaha...) and the bed all ours and don't even need to get up at nite for nursing (yup...babies, I mean...not the daddy...hahahh).

Ok, lets..have some pictures please...

some of the topics

some of that "tall-handsome" speaker, grrr. (SORRY..he's taken!)

some of the "tired - pencatit minit"

some of the fun session

 ever "crazy - secretariat" team (that includes me!)

Boss, we need a break !!!
so, to the Cowboy Town off we went ..

everybody with the cowboy signature pose...hahahah

some of the "good" pose

ever sporting friends...


i don't know...why in so banyak2 pose, posing lentok gini gak yang I pilih...eewwww!

Since, Mr IM got so many works need to be done at the office and can't spare some time picking up his lovely wife .... I decided to joint the rest...balik naik bas!! Good time, indeed!! (I slept all the way ... hahah)

Much Love,

Tuesday 2 October 2012


Assalamualaikum mommies...

Abaikan tajuk yang tak boleh blah di atas tu... hahahha. Pasti ada yang sentap! But, tajuk tu ada betulnya jugak la....heheheh. Sometimes, when I menung lama2 (of coz after tension ngn kerja2 kat opis)...I always "kind of asking" myself, what is actually I really want to be..and the answer will always be : I want to own my clothing line. Yup! that will always be my answer...but, weird thing is that...I don't know how to sew or jahit baju (but, I do remember, back in my old days....helping my mom with the loads of school uniform : of coz that uniforms belongs to me and my other 2 sisters....)

And now, cita2 I tu tiba2 datang balik .. hahaha, boleh tak sekejap tenggelam, sekejap timbul. Ni bukan apa..looking at this fashion industries today (cakap macam fashion designer yg dah senior je ...) my personal view : SO SAD! Being a muslim and a plus size get a really modest (mengikut sunnah) and yet comfy and elegance is giving a problem to me. Kalau pun ada, it will be too expensive or too jarang or too ketat or too colourful...defeat the purpose! I want something so comfy yet stylish (ehem!) and still mengikut sunnah (covered up all the body parts). Mr IM always giving me that fierce question mark...:

Mr IM : "B, when are you going to wear proper muslimah attire..."

me : "I am...I am...sabar..I will be my own designer so that it will fit well"

hahah....So, now I really need to get myself a sewing machine. HELP!!

NOTE : I really adore this one Indonesian designer in the making..and she is a hijabister herself. RANI HATTA : I heart her fashion sense.

Monday 1 October 2012


Assalamualaikum mommies ...

My pc showed 12.22pm...arghhh!! there are another 38mins to go for lunch break. I really need to lay down and close my eyes...can't take this pain (migrain) anymore.. This was because I didn't get my sleep like normal nite last nite. A few trip to the toilet (it was not me..but, lil Irissa. Now, whenever her diaper got wet, she will insist me or Bibik to wash her and change the diaper...even if it is 2 am!) And since she is sleeping in our room, so...the person  in-charged will always be me!

And after visit to the toilet and changing the diaper...I wanted to go back to bed when suddenly she screamed unexpectedly which I can translate to : "Take me! take me! I want to go downstairs".... with my half-opened eye, took her and lay her down in front of the telly...when I thought, I finally can go and sleep...she suddenly screamed .. again! what now dear baby? what?!! Pororo? at this wee hour...ok guys, what you will do when your 2 years old baby want to watch her fav cartoon at 3.30 in the morning...

I don't know...I keraskan hati not to on the telly, but pretend i have been shot and "pengsan". buat2 tidur..jangan bergerak2...not a single movement.. Few minutes passed....she suddenly came to me with her pooh pooh ....selamba je, datang, baring terus lelap...and  I slept in front of the telly till morning...

Woke up at 5.45am and went to my room to get ready for Subuh prayer and get the kids ready for school...And cut that long story short, when arrived at the office, I dah mula rasa sakit kepala: migrain! But, that's ok : mama will be ok after a strip of panadol..heheh, Mama will always love you, baby! You are my everything....semoga Allah kurniakan kesabaran kepada Mama dalam mendidik dan membesarkan anak2 comel Mama....(and Papa, will always be there to support Mama, yeah...there :  on that "oooh so soft bed", while Mama struggling with all the mosquitos downstairs! )

so, mommies...everytime your lil ones susah nak tidur.....boleh la cuba cara I ni...hahah, mana tahu boleh membantu di waktu2 kecemasan.

Much Love,

Sunday 30 September 2012


Assalamualaikum girls..

It's Monday and hello October! how time flies...
Soon, it will be November, December and 2013. Hoping for something good towards the end of this year. InsyaAllah.

Monday morning : wearing myself Collection tudung (love this tudung as it is made from chiffon/thai silk and labuh ...)

The stone was not too much making it suitable to wear to the office.

Thursday 27 September 2012


Assalamualaikum girls,

Reached the office early today, since I thought I have done so much work yesterday so, I think I really can jot something cool for myself today. I love "google-ing" about fashion and more...and this morning I came across this beautiful creation from 2013 Gucci Collection (drooling!).  I know...the price is way too high for girls like me....hmmm but, I really adore this collection so so so much (of coz with a bit of alteration, if I were to wear it la...hehehh)

So, girls..enjoy this few pieces which I adore so much! Hoping that I can find a tailor to do my baju just like this...

so modest...Mr IM will allow me to wear things like this... I believe...

so P.I.N.K and i looove it!!


this one is so dramatic...but still love the basic look of it...

hoping that one day.... I can make my "since little kids' dream" come true..
Pray hard.. HE always listen!

Thursday 20 September 2012



Reached the office quite early today. Aftar checking my emails and settled a few files, I started to digging into old private box of mine and found cards sent by Mr IM to me when we were boyfriend and girlfriend ... hahah. It's so funny and sweet!! Flipping through all small notes and dozens of card made me smile : how time flies!


And until now..series of cards and small notes is a must for us...we gave cards and gifts to each other during special occasions : birthdays, anniversaries, first dates etc. And, sometimes friends came up to me and asked : "you are husband and wife and staying in the same house, yet still sending cards and love notes?"  
me : "yup! that makes our marriage alife and we treat each other like we are still boyfriend/girlfriend"...


Yes, we have been married for 11 years now and have 4 beautiful kids together...but we never changed any "tradition" we had before we got married...(of coz, something like enjoying ice cream on bed is not allowed now like we used to have before...atas sebab2 tertentu)


So, for those of you that has been married for quite long...don't you ever take your partner for granted...Ever! Spice up your love life and do something spontaneous like me did just now :

me sending this picture of mine to Mr IM whilst he on the other hand having a serious meeting in his office. The picture message goes with a caption..."spot the difference and win yourself  a kiss..." hahahah


me wearing myself collection : "red chilli blouse" and black "pasar malam" tudung.

Monday 17 September 2012



Last week, last saturday to be sister meraikan perkahwinan anak sulungnya : Zahril. Everything about the event was really great...everything was beautifully arranged (even, I only got to attend the event belah pengantin perempuan)

Just to share this historical day of my sister : enjoy the pics!

 The bride and groom. Congrats for both of you! semoga jodoh berkekalan, InsyaAllah
The bride's dress from Rizalman Ibrahim . D.I.E!!

the parents of the groom a.k.a my sister

This is me with lil Irissa....what a tired face! I need collagen :)
inner tudung from myself collection and my tunic from La Senza. hahah

Irissa can't get enough of her mama....berkepit je.

the the goodies!

Attending wedding like this made me think : am I still going to be around when my kids wed one day...InsyaAllah. Semoga Allah panjangkan usia mama and papa and semoga anak-anak mama bertemu jodoh dari kalangan mereka yang beriman...Amin.

Monday 10 September 2012


bismillah calligraphy 2
Alhamdulillah, finally...i have my own blog. I always wanted to have a blog of mine that I can share everything i love. And another reason for having this blog is that I can leave something for my kids : advice, pictures, stories and everything that can remind of me (bila I dah tak de lagi...huhuhu). So, may be I can call this blog as my "Life Diary" too.

Hello, world!